
Friday, April 16, 2010

Five Question Friday

Welcome to 5QF!! Here we go again!

1. What words do you use on your blog/online that you don't use in real life?
Honestly, I don't think there are any! Something to think about though!

2. Do you still write checks?
On very rare occasions. Mainly for my tithes at church or to pay a bill by mail for some reason. Why buy checks when the check card does the same thing?

3. Who was your favorite President and why?
Haha. I have no idea. One, because I've only been alive long enough to remember 3 of them. Two, I am so completely inept when it comes to all things politics. I've only recently started to really pay attention. Political science was never my forte.

4. Are you a yeller?
Also on rare occasions. I'm usually more of a stern talker. I call it my teacher voice. It gets used daily. 

5. Have you ever dumpster dived?
Um... yes. But, let me explain. I worked at our local library for 5 years shelving books. So, I was very aware of the dumpster behind the building where they would throw old magazines and books to be recycled. Things that were outdated or they didn't think they could sell. So, one day I decided to see if I could find anything. I wasn't very successful. I found a few things, but nothing that was really worth the trouble. 

Can I just say how excited I am that it's FRIDAY!!! I'm SO ready to sleep in tomorrow!!!


  1. I'm only just getting into politics, too!

    And, you've totally convinced me that it is not worth it to jump into a dumpster...not that I really needed convincing!

    I'm so interested in why everyone's 5QF list looks different...I wonder how/why mine has a different font?!!

  2. Love the pics!! And enjoy your summer break.
