
Sunday, October 21, 2012

Long Overdue Updates!

Oh, my. It's a bit of a vicious cycle when it comes to making a blogging comeback. It's like an old friend that you haven't talked to in a long time. You want to reconnect, but it just isn't top priority. You think, "We should go get lunch and catch up.... But, maybe next week. I need to {insert excuse here}." Then you start to get embarrassed because it's been so long and so you put it off longer. Well, here I am. Again. I know how much I used to enjoy blogging. I could list the excuses I've used for the past year, but none will make it easier to get back in the habit. Finally though, I realized what an opportunity I'm missing to document the fleeting moments in my life. My sweet baby is 1!! And, I've thought to myself many times in her first year that there is no way I could ever forget when she first smiled or how often she nursed. But my heart is breaking because I realized something. It's fading. Those sweet memories aren't as vivid as they once were. And I don't want to lose them.

So, this is my attempt at holding on to that thing that is so precious. This beautiful life that God has blessed me with. There is way too much to possibly put into one post, so I'm going to do what has somewhat worked in the past: make a list of what's to come. A little sneak peek. And, if any of you are still holding on out there (or, you are like me and never actually clean out the subscriptions in your Google reader) thanks. I hope you enjoy my return... :) I'll try to make it a little more permanent.

Until then, to hold you over, a little glimpse at what's to come:

  • A terrible picture, but I love it nonetheless: My Baby Turns 1! Remembering Evelyn June's 1st Year

  • Party Planning from a Lazy Mom

  • Nursing: How it Rocked My World
  • Cloth Diapering Through the First Year and Beyond
  • Adventures in Babywearing

  • My Mom Thinks I'm a Hippie (And So Do I)
    • Green Cleaning
    • Unjunking My Diet
  • I'm a Wannabe SAHM
  • Our First Big DIY House Project
  • Evelyn's Big Girl Room! (Still a Work in Progress)
  • Dudley's Story
  • Surprise!!

Wow, I've got my work cut out for me!

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