I figured I had better start with (one of) the more exciting topics on my list. Our mid-summer surprise!!
We are so. unbelievably. excited.
Unfortunately for this blog, I'm already 20 weeks. Yes, you read that correctly, 20 weeks. How on earth did my getting pregnant, especially after the
lamenting posts on infertility treatments 2 years ago, not warrant my return to blogging? I'm not sure, but I figured I pick up where I'm at!
A little background:
It took us a year to get pregnant with Evelyn. This was including 9-10 months of various infertility treatments. She was our little miracle. She was, and is, so wanted and SO loved. When she arrived (in
perfect fashion), we, of course, had to discuss postpartum birth control options. We eventually decided that since I planned on exclusively breastfeeding and the trouble we had to begin with, we'd just see what God decided to bring us. Nine months after Evelyn came, my cycle returned. We didn't try, but didn't avoid and around her first birthday I went back to my OB to discuss getting pregnant again (and how treatments may be involved with my continued breastfeeding) since my cycles were getting progressively longer. Little did I know that while I was at that appointment, this little one was already with us! One week later, I got a positive pregnancy test!!
So, yes we were planning on this one, just not so easily! We are so grateful though.
To catch you up to 20 weeks, I'll cover a few of the basics. I got a positive test at around 5 weeks. I then patiently awaited morning sickness... which never came! I've had a few waves of nausea, but other than that I felt great. Except for the exhaustion. I never really felt tired with Evelyn. This time, whoa. I felt like a the walking dead. I was so, so tired. Thankfully, the 2nd trimester energy has returned. We have had 2 ultrasounds - one at 7 weeks which showed a precious little heartbeat and a perfect little bean and our second at 20 weeks which revealed that Evelyn will be a big... SISTER!! ;) I know, I'm terrible. We're old-fashioned. We like our surprise at the end. Also, another healthy baby.
Now for the classic survey:
Sorry for the terrible picture. I'll try to get better ones for future posts!!
19.5 weeks and Evelyn (15 months) trying out my birthday present! A Dolcino woven wrap in Bali.
How far along: 20 Weeks (yesterday)
How big is baby: A banana, according to The Bump. Baby gulps down several ounces of amniotic fluid every day, both for nutrition and to practice swallowing and digesting. And, these days, those taste buds actually work! Studies show that after birth, babies respond best to tastes they've already had via amniotic fluid. Meaning, think about what you'd like your future child to eat as you prepare your own lunch.
Weight gain/loss: This one has hit me hard this time. I gained about 32 pounds with Evelyn. I was about 15-20 pounds higher than I would have liked before I got pregnant with her, but I thought my weight gain was fine. After having her I lost a LOT of weight. In fact, I had a hard time keeping weight on. So, I went from 140 before her, to 172 at the end, to my pre-pregnancy weight with this one of around 123. And now, I'm already back up to 138, or something. So, 15ish pounds. Ouch. Dr. says it's normal, and I'm trying not to be neurotic about it. Also, I like to blame a lot of it on my insane porn star boobies. They probably account for a solid 5 lbs of that weight. Seriously, I kid you not. They. Are. Ridiculous.
Stretch marks: Not yet. But they came with a vengeance last time. I can only expect their lovely return at some point.
Sleep: Meh. Depends on the day. And how many times I have to get up to pee.
Diet/Cravings/Aversions: None to speak of.
Movement: Yep! Lots of little kicks and jabs! I'm starting to be able to feel them on the outside now!
What I'm worrying about: My weight gain.... Getting Evelyn transitioned into her big girl room (which means getting it done!) before the baby comes. What I'm going to do about working after the baby.
What I'm loving: Being pregnant! I LOVE being pregnant. Baby kicks are the best and my little bump is making its debut in a big way!
Symptoms: Heartburn. I used have pretty severe acid reflux which was miraculously cured after my pregnancy with Evelyn. And, it's back. Though, still not unmanageable.
What I'm looking forward to: Getting started on Evelyn's big girl room. Holding my baby. I keep thinking about having my little squish all wrapped up in my ring sling and it makes me very happy!
Best moment of the week: Feeling movement on the outside! I can't wait until Rob can catch them too!