
Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Our House

Back in August, we had this random call from a friend inviting us to go and look at some detached villas that were in our price range. That is the phone call that started it all. Rob and I have been one of the fortunate few to be blessed enough to BUILD our first house. It's nothing fancy - a starter home, if you will - but it's perfect. I'll be blogging a lot about our house in the future (just to give fair warning) because they start building it tommorow!

We have so many ideas and plans for the house, I just pray God provides us with the finances to make it happen. Here it is - an ugly drawing of the outside of our house.

We're building with Vantage Homes. Our house will have a light neutral colored brick, with a taupy colored siding, a brown roof, and an adorable grayish-blue front door. I can't wait to see it all finished.

But, on to the fun stuff. The inside. The house has three bedrooms, two baths, and, well, here's the floor plan:

I'll go ahead and share some pictures of the inside:

Great Room

Master Bedroom

Master Bathroom
(Which I secretly wish was bigger)


Breakfast Room


But not with this color cabinets (yuck)

Great Room - In a different display showing the breakfast bar

Kitchen - with breakfast bar and our cabinet color

Our house will have 9 foot ceilings with vaults in the great room and breakfast room. We'll have vinyl flooring (to start) and carpeting throughout. I can't wait to start decorating! It will be so fun!
Rob and I have been looking for an "inspiration piece" around which to base a lot of the decoration in the house on. We came across this painting:

It has two pieces that can be placed on either side that expand the picture in either direction. We've found some other equally great pieces though too!

We've started a list of things we'd like to do after the house if finished, though I don't know how quickly they'll get done!

  • Fence - right away for Oliver!
  • Landscaping around the yard (we're a corner lot - see below - so we need some privacy)
  • Paint
  • New floors to replace the vinyl (probably wood or mock tile)
  • Finish the basement - with a bathroom, laundry room, sewing room, and game area
  • Stamped patio in the backyard

The list goes on and on, but that's all I can think of...

I can't wait to post pics of the house being built, but until then, here's a picture of our lot and our sold sign!

The Playground

And, leaving you with thoughts of glorious summer days...


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